Thursday 16 June 2011

NMA- blog 8

I explored the web site of one of my favourite artists named Andy Goldsworthy, a British artist who collaborates with nature to make his artworks. Through art and nature we can use this to get closer and better understand our selves, feelings, environment and much more. His art is powerful and somewhat spiritual to me, it gives me a great feeling and I really enjoy looking at it. Below are three of his creations that are similar using different elements of the earth that I think are amazing!

I looked up his web site; it is very simple and easy to navigate through. He has 5 main buttons on his home page that also appear on each link. They are Biography, Philosophy, Works, Credits and Exhibitions. His web site is effective but I think it could have had a better way to view his art, possibly in a slide show compared to medium size images that don’t open to a bigger version. The exhibitions tab allows you to navigate to external main sites. I also think even though he went for a simple layout to display his art he could have maybe incorporated a little more to its style and a few more of his artworks. Another useful tool he could have added was possibly a way to purchase images.

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