Wednesday 15 June 2011

NMA- blog 4

electronic literature- Hayes
Will the distribution/broadcasting mechanisms of the internet and the Web, by opening publication to everyone, result in a flood of worthless nonsense?” (2008: 2). Reflect on this quote with relevance to the act of blogging.

I believe that distributing and broadcasting work over the internet definitely has benefits. By opening publication, it gives everyone a chance to voice their opinions and knowledge. Even though some publications may not be worthwhile I do think that they will just fade out while the ones that are will be seen for their value. The internet allows us to share information all over the world at an instant pace. This allows for our knowledge to be broadened without many obstacles. Online publication speeds up the process of making books also saves trees!
Blogging is a major means of spreading news, thoughts and knowledge over the internet. It allows for you to be the author. I think blogs are beneficial to supplying information, people are able to get reviews, share experiences and communicate to people who are interested in the same things or have a passionate interest in a particular topic. I do not think most of the information over blogs are worthless because people won’t spend their time blogging if they did not already have knowledge or interest in something resulting in informed communication between people around the world. A lot of information would not ever be shared if people did not blog.

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