Thursday, 16 June 2011

NMA- blog 10

We often discuss how the advancement of technology affects us; here is an artist that pushes the limits to show how far our body and technology can go. Stelarc is an Australian performance artist, with most of his work stemming from the idea that the human body has become outdated. Stelarc has altered his body using technological advances because he thinks that along with computers, our bodies must be constantly upgraded to help adapt to the technological culture we have created. In the pieces in which he has used technology with his body, you can see the intelligence and research that must have been done to successfully complete his work.

Stelarc also used suspensions in a lot of his work. When first seeing pictures of this, I was freaked out but after reading more about him, and staring at the pictures for a little bit longer, I began to actually appreciate the piece. He pushes his body to the limits, suspending himself above the ground by the hooks in his body.

 He says he doesn't see himself as the art, just the person who is using his body to complete the piece. I find Stelarc extremely dedicated, and each of his pieces is unique.
Below Stelarc implanted a third ear into his arm it is said that he’s also going to implant a mic inside the ear that will connect to a bluetooth transmitter, so the ear can broadcast audio from the internet wirelessly.

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